"O Mu Yes", a chit-chat phone-in programme on Fresh 107.9 FM Abeokuta, has become a household name, since the radio channel began transmission in Abeokuta, the capital city of the gateway state in 2018.

This programme occupies the airwave between the hours of 0900HRS and 1100HRS every Thursday. Its philosophy is to repair broken relationships and homes in order to build a peaceful and productive society for the benefit of humanity.

To many ardent listeners, it has become their Thursday tonic without which their day is not complete if they failed to listen to it for whatever reasons. To them, when "O Mu Yes" is on the airwave, no other radio programme matters, except you have not listened to it before.

It is not just another programme, but very unique. After listening to the programme once, it is certain that a listener would become a fan and will never forgive himself for missing any of its editions.

An old woman who had become a great fan of “O Mu Yes” in the rock city has taken it as a duty to always monitor the movement of the presenters of the programme, especially on Thursdays, asking them in Yoruba Language “Se e ti nbo?” which means “are you on your way to the studio?” in order to be assured that they will be on the programme.

The presenters of "O Mu Yes" always refer to the old woman as "Iya, se e ti nbo"?. The presenters who are so loved by their listeners would every week show appreciations to some of them who have graduated from ordinary listeners to becoming their ‘friends’ in the manners with which they ask after the presenters’ welfare.

For radio listeners who are in their 50s or late 40s, Alhaji Olalomi Amole and Komolafe Olaiya are not just radio presenters, but veteran broadcaters who, over the years, have grown with the Nigeria broadcasting industry. They have become formidable brands in the broadcasting industry in the individual and collective perspectives.

For close to five decades now, Olalomi Amole (Aare Mekunnu) has been an On Air Personality (OAP) per excellence. He had co-presented "Abule Tere Tayo" with late Segun Durodola on the Radio Nigeria (FRCN), Ibadan on Saturday mornings in the 80's.

The duo, equally, presented "Oyin Ladun" on the Radio O-Y-O, Ile Akede, Orita Bashorun, Ibadan (AM Channel) of the Broadcasting Corporation of Oyo State (BCOS) until 1991 when Osun State was created from part of the old Oyo State.

Segun Durodola rode the airwave on the Radio Osun 104.5 FM with his “A a Ji Bi?” on Saturdays until he had issues with the management of the Osun State Broadcasting Corporation (OSBC), Ile Awiye, Oke Baale, Osogbo.

Nevertheless, few weeks after Segun Durodola left BCOS, the paths of Olalomi Amole and Komolafe Olaiya who was then known as Elenu Razor (Razor mouth with which he erases sadness and depression from human lives) crossed.

Not that it was difficult for Olalomi Amole to single handedly present "Oyin Ladun", but the listeners were used to having two personalities on the programme. However, the need to search for ‘a near match’ if not ‘perfect match’ becomes an issue.

As a pre-destined event, Komolafe Olaiya who had been handling some programmes on Radio Oyo, then, proved to be the missing rib that the programme, "Oyin Ladun", needed to continue smooth running on the AM channel of the BCOS (Radio OYO).

Since then, the duo have been inseparable, despite differences in age, religion and town. Olalomi is in his late 60's, while Komolafe is in his 50s; the former is a Muslim, while the latter is a Christian.

Again, Olalomi is a thorough bred Ibadan indigene, the political capital of the Southwest and Oyo State, while his on air brother is an Ijesa man from Ilesa, in Osun State. Ordinarily, those differences would have impeded smooth and coherent presentation of the weekly editions of their various programmes on many radio channels, including "O Mu Yes" on Fresh 107.9 FM Abeokuta on Thursdays, but the duo have taken time to explore the area of differences and harmonize them to achieve the common goals for which their programmes sought to achieve for the betterment of the society.

They have continually reiterated their resolve not to leave any stone unturned until we have happy homes and peaceful society through their different programmes on radio, as well as other channels through which they can help the society to grow.

"O Mu Yes", though an entertainment radio programme, is as well educative and informing thereby fulfilling the three major functions of the media.

In the past four years it began airing on Fresh 107.9 Abeokuta, "O Mu Yes" has made positive impact on the lives of its listeners, men and women, old and young, equally.

Testimonies have been shared, on the weekly editions of the programme, by people who have been ‘blessed’ by these radio apostles.

Through "O Mu Yes", some husbands have learnt not only to be responsible, but to be responsive to issues concerning their homes and families.

On the part of wives, the programme has taught them to be supportive and submissive to their husbands in order to have peaceful homes.

Of interest is the dedication of "O Mu Yes" to eradicating the single mother syndrome which has become the norm in the society today, by teaching tolerance, endurance, understanding, faithfulness, transparency, focus and being prayerful as ingredients needed for successful marriage.

Still, in some special segments like preaching and alfa & arowaasi, "O Mu Yes" does not spare the rod on religious leaders, majority of whom have become too conscious of worldly gains instead of preaching the necessity for faithful to be mindful of their dealings on earth for them to have an eternal peaceful rest in the hereafter. It emphasizes that a worthy life is that which has positive impact on the lives of fellow human beings.

Olalomi Amole and Komolafe Olaiya are not just local broadcasters and entertainers. The duo have collectively and individually travelled to different parts of the world for various awards in recognition of their contributions to achieving peace and harmony in the society.

Aside local and international awards, they have also received awards from various tertiary institutions, as well as organizations in Nigeria.

Currently, Alhaji Olalomi Amole is a Special Adviser to the Governor Oyo State, Engineer Seyi Makinde. Although, on daily basis, every individual seeks further fulfillment in their endeavours, these artificial on-air twins (Ibeji Atowoda ori ategun) maintained that nothing make them happier than what they are doing for which they have been appreciated at home and abroad.

The piece was written by Waheed Ogunjobi, journalist, author and public affairs analyst.He can be reached via:waheedogunjobi@gmail.com