It was a big re-union of sort for the 1984/1987 set of the Baptist Women Teachers Training College, Idi Aba, Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital as they met for the first time after they left school.

The occassion was the burial of the late Mrs. Ayinke Olabisi Williams (nee Ayodele), mother of one of them, 'Desola Williams, a Germany-based.

Old students, mainly women in their early 60's from Lagos, Ibadan, Abuja and Abeokuta who met for the first time after they left Idi Aba graced Mama Williams' celebration of life at 97.

The women were literarily spoilt with plenty of foods and drinks amid banters and old memories of their school days.

'Desola, who expressed delight at re-uniting with her old mates thanked them for honouring her with their presence.

"I feel highly honoured with the presence of my mates at the college and expressed gratitude to God for re-uniting with them after this long".

"The presence of my college mates as well as memory of today will linger for long.

"I cherish their association. I cherish their companionship. I am stunned by their support. Forever, I will remember them for the various roles they played in the burial of my late mother".

Aside class mates, Desola also appreciated the supports of many immediate and extended family members towards the funeral.

Speaking on the lessons of life her late mother taught her, 'Desola said: "while I pray for the repose of the soul of mama, I will continue to remember her virtues.

Before the burial and reception there was a commendation service at Saint Andrew's Anglican Church, Ikija, Via Oba, Obafemi Owode Local Government Area of the state on Tuesday, November 2, 2023

The late Mrs. Williams, was said to be the pillar behind the founding and establishment of St. Andrew's Anglican Church in Ikija in 1990.

A distinguished and supportive parishioner, but for the cold hands of death, Mama had been taunted as the pioneer "Iya Ijo" upon completion of the church building.

During the service, villagers, many of whom Mama Williams have positively touched their lives, spoke glowingly about the late nonagerian.

"We will sorely miss her good deeds as well as her philanthropic gestures around the community.

"Mama was not only the mother to her biological children, but to many others whom she raced and nurtured many years ago."

"But for the fact that death is a debt that we all owe and must be paid, we would have wished that Mama remains with us forever".

"Mama was a role model to womanhood as well as resilient, painstaking, accommodating and kind.

"While alive, she represented to all intents and purposes "a jewel" of inestimable value".

"All these virtues, she impressed on her children, extended family members at large as well as to all those who came in close contact with her while alive".

"No doubt, we are of the belief that for her hour has come, the time is here for her to leave this life. She has done her bit in the race of life. She has run her full distance, she has kept the faith".

"And now waiting for her, the victory prize of being put right with God, which the Lord, the righteous judge will give her", they submitted.