Nature is very kind to Alhaja Musiliat Anike Abiola!. At age 95, she still walks around unaided by anyone or any object.

She's not suffering from any known disease associated with old age that has kept her on admission in an hospital in the past decades.

This is very rare among her mates or friends many of whom she confessed have died.

At Ilawo, a section of Oke Ona-Egba, in Abeokuta North Local Government Area of Ogun State, "Maami" as she is fondly called remains one of the oldest human beings around the area.

Alhaja Abiola's parents hailed from Siun and Owode, all in Obafemi Owode Local Government Area of Ogun State.

Married at age 25 to an Abeokuta-based late Islamic cleric, Imam Abdul Hameed Adebola Akanbi Abiola, Alhaja said she had her first child soon after marriage.

She speaks further

"My father, Pa Sanusi Agbabiaka from Siun, during his life time was a palm kernel merchant, while my mother, Raliat Ajoke Sanusi traded in kolanut business until her death when I was barely 2 years of age"

"I am a product of polygamous family as my mother was the third wife of my father's four wives. My father had many children, but I am the second born of my mother".

"I lost my mother when I was barely 2 years old and this led to me being raised up by my maternal grandmother who literarily spoilt me with affection, wants and love. It is as a result of this that I did not have the opportunity of having formal education as she feared that I would be maltreated".

"After the death of my grandmother, I was taken away by my mother's elder sister to live with her until I got married at age 25 with the consent of my father".

How I met my husband? "I had many suitors, but his choice was the way of God and no one could query it. Today, I thank God for fruits of the womb that He gave me in Baba Abiola's house".

"As the practice then, I married "Baba Imam" through an intermediary and to God be thy glory that I am blessed with responsible males and females children"

"As I mentioned earlier, my husband as a Muslim attracted my father's interest in me marrying "Baba Imam" who before then had married many women.

"We got married with the consent of my father and mother's family about 70 years ago. Ordinarily, one would have preferred a younger person, but that's the way God had destined it and I thank Him for everything. I have no regret having him as the father of my children"

"I must confess that it was not easy for me initially in this house as I faced many obstacles and challenges but I thank God that all are now history. There were enough reasons for me to quit the marriage, but I always remembered what my late father used to tell me about marriage".

"But for words of encouragements from my father as well as tolerance and endurance on my part, it would have been a different story today".

"Even with his polygamous life which I did not prepare for when I was getting married to him, I made use that I tolerated many of his concubines who later became his wives, but did not stay long before they quit".

"One of the lessons I learnt in my marriage is that a wife must not only be submissive to her husband, but must also tolerate and endure her husband's actions and inactions. It is by this that she would live long in the marriage”.

"I had enough reasons not to have stayed long in the marriage, but with God on my side, I decided to nurture it this far and remain in the house in the midst of marital tribulations for the past 70 years".

Asked to comment on secrets of longevity, the nonagerian said: "the one and only that I know is grace of God and nothing more. Medications and other things that one may believe in are nothing but also the grace of God.

"If you believe in medication and its auxiliaries and use them without being effective, what would you do. Nothing, but continue praying God for efficacy of the drugs, whether orthodox or unorthodox, nothing more. My dear son, don't let anyone deceive you. It is only grace of God that keeps one alive, not by one's power.

"In the past, I have had enough health challenges that have made me bedridden in this house for about three years with people thinking that I would die. However, when it pleases God to let me off the hook, I regained my strength and here I am now hale and hearty. It is the grace of God I am still enjoying".

While advising young couples to love one another, Maami said: "it is better for a woman to have all her children in a man's house than going around being mothers. I am aware of some circumstances which often lead women to this, but it should be discouraged and prevented with prayers as marriages are usually faced with many challenges particularly at its early stage".

"I had my own marital challenges, but I surmounted them and I thank God for this. Marriage is not a bed of roses but with prayers, endurance and perseverance all will be well.

Maami asked: "Are things not better for me today? They are and I thank God for this".

Speaking about her favourites foods, Alhaja Abiola who once traded in bags of "tinko" and beans said: "I do not have a choice as regards meals. I eat anything that comes my way. For now I don't have any health challenge that could have made me selective about what to eat".

While counselling women to be supportive of their husbands, Alhaja Abiola said they should not leave the responsibilities of running homes and financial upbringing of their children to their husband alone.

Speaking on her final resting home; Maami, who pointed to a portion of the compound said: " I have told them (my children) where I would like to be buried".

"I have also told them not to carry my remains to anywhere. I should be buried here, within this yard where I got married and had all my children for a husband that loved me and that I also loved until death separated us. These are part of my prayers to God to answer", she stated.

* This piece was first published on the ocassion of her 95 birthday anniversary in May 2023.